about me

I'm Rendani, a Software Engineer. Originally from South Africa, trying to soak up the sun in Germany. If I'm not coding, you'll catch me diving into reading books, exploring obscure music or playing guitar 🎸.

The name "Rendani" is a Tshivenda unisex name meaning "praise/give praise" and is under no circumstances to be confused with the airport.

professional experience

technical skills

I'm most experienced with JavaScript, TypeScript for both front and backend development and also use Go for more general purpose programming.


I've used Svelte, Vue.js, React as well as their respective meta-frameworks (SvelteKit and Next.js) to build out user interfaces. Personally I really enjoy using Svelte and Sveltekit.

I also have some knowledge of React and Next.js.

For about 2 years I used Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development, using various state management libraries including Provider and Riverpod.


On the backend, I usually use Node.js or Go depending on the project requirements.

Regarding databases, I've worked with Postgres and other SQL databases such as MySQL. My most used NoSQL database is Firebase.

other languages and tools

I've used Python but haven't used it in any professional settings.


When writing cloud services, I use Docker for containerising web-applications and Kubernetes to deploy them.

You can also view the source code for this website on Github .